- Shivaratri
- Mondays
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Naagendrahaaraaya trilochanaaya, Bhasmaangaraagaaya mahesvaraaaya Nityaaya sudhaaya digambaraaya, Tasmai 'na' kaaraaya namah Shivaaya.
Salutations to Lord Siva who exists in the sound 'Na'. He wears snakes as garland, is three-eyed, his body is smeared with ash, he is pure, wears the sky as his attire'
The ultimate reality, the Absolute, or Brahman, or God has no polarity, no pairs of opposites : all principles are balanced within it. Therefore the ultimate reality is represented by the most perfect mathematical figure, the sphere. If the center or focal point of the sphere divides itself into two, we get the ellipsoid. So this form gives a symbolic representation of the primary pair of opposites out of the original harmonious one. And from this duality comes all manifestation, all creation, all the multiplicity of things in the universe. The LINGAM is therefore the basic form lying at the root of all creation, as 'OM' is the basic sound.
From one Brahman emerges SHIVA-SHAKTI, the father and mother of all that is. The male or positive aspect represents Consciousness, the female or negative aspect symbolizes power. Both are necessary for creation or manifestation in the planes of matter.